The surgeon’s narrative of the surgery has shown up in my online records (translated from Swedish):
Patient under general anaesthetic, flat position. Surgery area washed and dried sterile. Inspected the plate [the grafted area], which looks good, distally somewhat narrowed so we decided to include some skin. At the join between the distal plate and his urethra it’s also slightly fibrotic. Incision with scalpel along the long side of the transplant down to the corpora. Then incision across circa four millimeters distally from the join between the distal edge of the transplant and his own urethra. Cut through the fibrotic area and could excise the fibrosis with a little skin. Then incision across proximally. Stitched the urethra with 5/0 BioSyn running suture. Joined together well over a 12 Ch catheter. Mobilised subcutaneous tissue to cover the row of sutures. No tension in tissue. No twisting. Stitched the skin in two layers, first two individual subcutaneous stitches, finished with intracutaneous MonoCryl running suture. Applied dressing, penis upwards and light dressing on it.